A few days ago, I received a call from the IT staff at one of our departments, who had an end user attempting to call some number via ARS, and the call would not be completed. Instead, they heard a message: “The number you have dialed is prohibited from your current class of restriction. If you need to call this number, please call […]” I recognized the message immediately - I wrote those words some years prior.

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A number of years ago, my employer began replacing its various phone systems and Centrex solutions with a single PBX to provide uniform services at all locations. Because our IP infrastructure was… well, “old as dirt comes to mind”, we decided to also replace nearly all of that as part of the same project, because it meant that funding was more readily available. At the time, I was the only person (of our IT staff) who had any experience at all with VOIP, and I was also the only one who understood DHCP and DNS, and how they interact.

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I make lists. Lots and lots of lists. They help me not rely on my brain (relying on your brain to remember things is stupid; thanks for teaching me that, TomLim). Here’s an ever-changing list of things that I might take with me when traveling. I don’t take everything on this list every time, nor do I necessarily always put the items in the bag where they’re listed - it depends on the circumstances of each trip.

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Andrew Stemen

IT Generalist

General IT Consultant