Branch offices often have overhead paging systems, and it can be incredibly convenient for the overhead paging system to be connected to your Communication Manager gateway, so that users can operate the paging system from their deskphones (or anywhere, depending on your configuration).

This particular document notes how to connect a Communication Manager gateway (in this case, a G430 with an MM714B analog FXS/FXO line card) to a Valcom V-2006A using CO trunking facilities. Note that there is nothing particularly special about the Valcom paging system – this solution will probably work for other paging systems that present ports masquerading as CO trunks.

Determine the location number you’ll be using:

list locations


               ARS Prefix 1 Required For 10-Digit NANP Calls?y

Loc  Name           Timezone DST    City/ ARS Atd Loc  Disp   Prefix   Proxy Sel
 No                  Offset         Area  FAC FAC Parm Parm              Rte Pat

27   ENGR            + 00:00  1                    1    1

Determine which media-gateway you’ll be using:

list media-gateway

                             MEDIA-GATEWAY REPORT

Num Name                 Serial No/     IPV4 Address/     Type    NetRgn   Reg?
                        FW Ver/HW Vint/ IPV6 Address/
                        RecRule         Cntrl IP Addr

27  engr                 [redacted]         g430      27      y

Find a vacant FXO port on that media-gateway:

list configuration media-gateway 27

                              SYSTEM CONFIGURATION

Board                                                     Assigned Ports
Number   Board Type              Code     Vintage    u=unassigned t=tti p=psa
027V2    ANA MM                   MM714BP HW23 FW099 p  p  p  p  05 u  07 08
027V9    MG-ANNOUNCEMENT        VMM-ANN              01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08
                                                     09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

If you were using a port-network instead of a media-gateway, you could use list configuration all to review port assignments on all port-networks, or list configuration port-network X to review port assignments on port-network X.

Per the legend, you can identify unassigned FXO/CO ports by noting the letter ‘u’ in the appropriate port-column. You can see in this example that port 027V206 is unassigned. The placeholder ‘p’ indicates an unassigned FXS/station port, but we don’t need any of those for this example.

In order to add a trunk-group, you must determine what trunk access code (TAC) to use. Valid TACs are bounded by the system dialplan analysis, of Call Type = dac. DACs (dial access codes) can be used by either TACs (trunk access codes) or FAC (feature access codes). You’ll have to determine what TAC to use by analyzing which DACs are already consumed (review display feature-access-codes and list trunk-group to see which are already administered).

display dialplan analysis
                             DIAL PLAN ANALYSIS TABLE
                                   Location: all            Percent Full: 19

    Dialed   Total  Call     Dialed   Total  Call     Dialed   Total  Call
    String   Length Type     String   Length Type     String   Length Type
   1           3   dac     

Create a trunk-group to carry paging calls, and make its only trunk member the unassigned port you just noted:

display trunk-group 10                                          Page   1 of  22
                                TRUNK GROUP

Group Number: 10                   Group Type: co            CDR Reports: y
  Group Name: ENGR Paging                 COR: 95       TN: 1        TAC: 145
   Direction: outgoing       Outgoing Display? n
 Dial Access? y              Busy Threshold: 255
Queue Length: 0    Country: 1
   Comm Type: voice                                Digit Absorption List:
    Prefix-1? y                   Trunk Flash? n         Toll Restricted? y

         Trunk Type: loop-start
display trunk-group 10                                          Page   2 of  22
      Group Type: co                   Trunk Type: loop-start


    Outgoing Dial Type: tone                              Cut-Through? n
     Trunk Termination: rc                    Disconnect Timing(msec): 500

            Auto Guard? n    Call Still Held? n     Sig Bit Inversion: none
     Analog Loss Group: 6                          Digital Loss Group: 11
                                  Trunk Gain: high

 Disconnect Supervision -        Out? n
 Answer Supervision Timeout: 10            Receive Answer Supervision? n
          Administer Timers? y
             XOIP Treatment: auto
display trunk-group 10                                          Page   3 of  22
          ACA Assignment? n            Measured: none
                                                          Maintenance Tests? n
                               Data Restriction? n

   Suppress # Outpulsing? n

       Charge Conversion: 1
           Decimal Point: none
         Currency Symbol:
             Charge Type: units
                                               Per Call CPN Blocking Code:
                                             Per Call CPN Unblocking Code:

            Outgoing ANI:                           Ds1 Echo Cancellation? n
display trunk-group 10                                          Page   4 of  22
                Send Incoming/Outgoing Disconnect Timers to TN465 Ports? n
                                              Outgoing Disconnect(msec): 500
                                              Outgoing Dial Guard(msec): 1600
                                             Outgoing Glare Guard(msec): 1500

       Ringing Monitor(msec): 5200               Incoming Seizure(msec): 500
   Outgoing End of Dial(sec): 10         Outgoing Seizure Response(sec): 5
 Programmed Dial Pause(msec): 1500
          Flash Length(msec): 540

    Tone(msec): 350      Pause(msec): 150

     PPS: 10    Make(msec): 40   Break(msec): 60      PPM? n
display trunk-group 10                                          Page   5 of  22
                                 ATMS THRESHOLDS
    TTL Type: 105-w-rl                Far End Test No:
  TTL Vendor:                             TTL Contact:
Trunk Vendor:                           Trunk Contact:
Trunk Length:
                                  MARGINAL      UNACCEPTABLE
                                  Min   Max       Min   Max
                    1004 Hz Loss: -2    21        -2    21

                                -Dev   +Dev      -Dev  +Dev
                     404 Hz Loss: 9      9         9     9
                    2804 Hz Loss: 9      9         9     9

         Maximum C Message Noise:    55               55
         Maximum C Notched Noise:    74               74
                  Minimum SRL-HI:    0                0
                  Minimum SRL-LO:    0                0
                     Minimum ERL:    0                0

              Allow ATMS Busyout, Error Logging and Alarming? n
display trunk-group 10                                          Page   6 of  22
                                 TRUNK GROUP
                                      Administered Members (min/max):   1/1
GROUP MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS                  Total Administered Members:   1

       Port    Code Sfx Name                        Mode      Type   Ans Delay
  1: 027V206  MM714  B  paging

Next, you need to determine the AAR digit string that you plan to use. Check for any existing AAR patterns to ensure that your chosen digit string does not conflict, by executing list aar analysis location 27 and reviewing the Dialed String column.

list aar analysis location 1

                           AAR DIGIT ANALYSIS REPORT

                            Location:  1

               Dialed            Total        Route    Call      Node    ANI
               String          Min    Max    Pattern   Type     Number   Req

         1234                   4      4      888      aar                n
         5678                   4      4      777      aar                n

For purposes of this example, we’ll choose AAR digit string 7243, which corresponds to dialpad word PAGE. Note the length of the digit string – in this case, 4.

Create a route-pattern to send calls to that trunk-group. Run list route-pattern to see which route patterns are in use; come up with a number that is not in use, and execute change route-pattern XXX where XXX is the to-be-used route-pattern number. Ensure that you set No Del Dgts to the length of the AAR digit string you’ve chosen. If you need to always outpulse a specific digit to your paging system in order to activate it, insert those digits into the Inserted Digits field. There will only be one route added to this route-pattern.

display route-pattern 799                                       Page   1 of   3
                    Pattern Number: 799    Pattern Name: ENGR Paging
                             SCCAN? n     Secure SIP? n
    Grp FRL NPA Pfx Hop Toll No.  Inserted                             DCS/ IXC
    No          Mrk Lmt List Del  Digits                               QSIG
                             Dgts                                      Intw
 1: 10   0                    4                                         n   user
 2:                                                                     n   user
 3:                                                                     n   user
 4:                                                                     n   user
 5:                                                                     n   user
 6:                                                                     n   user

     BCC VALUE  TSC CA-TSC    ITC BCIE Service/Feature PARM  No. Numbering LAR
    0 1 2 M 4 W     Request                                 Dgts Format
 1: y y y y y n  n            rest                                         none
 2: y y y y y n  n            rest                                         none
 3: y y y y y n  n            rest                                         none
 4: y y y y y n  n            rest                                         none
 5: y y y y y n  n            rest                                         none
 6: y y y y y n  n            rest                                         none

Configure AAR to recognize some digit string and route it over the route you just created:

list aar analysis location 27

                           AAR DIGIT ANALYSIS REPORT

                            Location:  27

               Dialed            Total        Route    Call      Node    ANI
               String          Min    Max    Pattern   Type     Number   Req

         7243                   4      4      799      aar                n

Determine your AAR Access Code:

display feature-access-codes                                    Page   1 of  10
                               FEATURE ACCESS CODE (FAC)
      Auto Alternate Routing (AAR) Access Code: 123

Now physically connect the correct CO port to the paging system. I very strongly recommend using a butt-set to ensure that you are connecting the correct ports together. Making a mistake can damage the gateway, the paging system, or both.

To use the paging system, the users in that location can dial the AAR access code, followed by the AAR analysis digit string that you specific. In this example, they would dial 1237243. The system will connect the caller to the paging system. In the case of this specific paging system, the Valcom will provide dialtone, and the user can then dial whichever zone number they wish to page.

If your stations, policies, and users permit, you can also administer feature buttons on stations so that the user can simply press one button and automatically be connected to the paging system. In this example, you would set the button assignment to autodial with parameter 1237243#. The trailing # instructs the phone system to immediately process the call without waiting for any more digits. That may or may not be necessary in your implementation, but the trailing # doesn’t hurt to include, regardless.